The End of Positive Thinking!

Bert M. Ohnemüller
3 min readOct 17, 2019

I just came back from the first boma Germany summit 2019, Germany's first international summit on corporate transformation and exponential thinking. It was a really awesome event, packed with visionary, inspirational and extremely relevant content on how to master the challenges of a disruptive and exponentially changing world.

One of the key expressions I have heard in several presentations was “mindset“. We have to change our mindsets. This word made me think and reflect.

  • What is the mindset?
  • Why do we think the way we think?
  • Why do we see the world, the way we see it?
  • How can we change the mindset?

Our thinking shapes our behavior, which shapes our reality, right? Why do we see the world as we do? Reality enters our mind through different channels –our genes, our experiences, our memory, our biochemical condition within our brain and body.

Are you aware of the fact, that we perceive the world in a certain way because we are who we are. In easier words — simply remember how you experienced your world in the moment of total delight in comparison to a moment of total depression. Did anything change in the “outer“ world?

No, nothing, nada!

Your perception depends on the neurotransmitters and bio-chemicals, which flood your brain and these are obviously quite different when it comes to love or anger.

So now, what is your perception, if this is really true? A mirror, a projection, an illusion created by yourself! Shocking news? Or a great insight, what do you think?

So, how can we change our mindset? I’m sure not by simply thinking, that we have to change it.

It needs a further layer or quality — your feeling. We think the way we think because we feel the way we feel, we feel the way we feel, exactly because of those neurotransmitters running through our nervous system.

Positive thinking needs a positive feeling as a pre-condition, otherwise, you cannot change your mindset. Not because you don’t want but because you don’t have the necessary biochemical condition.

Our feelings are coming on the tip of our emotions. The emotion is exactly the energy, that moves us: E-Motion.

In order to change a mindset, I believe you need to change your heart or “soul-set” first.

To manage real transformational change, you need an emotional impact. In my words, I like to call it: “from the head into the heart”. The head deals with information, your heart deals with inspiration.

Inspiration leads to motivation.

So let’s end the useless and enormous efforts of positive thinking and let’s start with the real change-maker — the positive feeling.

As soon as you and your team and or audience can feel something, you’re on the right track to change minds. And when we change our minds, we can change the world.



Bert M. Ohnemüller

Bert is a high performance business philosopher, speaker, author and entrepreneur.